Monday 28 December 2009

Sorry, again....

....I'm just too lax to be a professional at the moment but there is this coming in the new year:

Blog and bother:

The Great Western (City): the background history as an index
Start with the scene behind the bullet-proof glass
A second novella from the view of a man on the street, a secret diary from outside the ‘organisation’

Complete the ‘Sister’s friend’ story, maybe write again as a script
Write up the sketchbook’s notes for the script

Don’t forget: Fast Car, Twin Sized Bed, A View from the Edge,

Sketchbook up ideas for the new campus of the GSA, bring A4+A3 paper and my paper-roll

The Great Western party badge (pin badge, lapel badge, uniform logo, banner logo & flag etc.)

Friday 20 November 2009

the a g + c

today, I have decided to publish the better work I have written to
the a g + c 

this is because it is a private place to read and comment on my work without the fear I have; the fear that no one is reading it.

the true fear is that some one will steal my work from me, because my arrogance creates the illusion that my work is that good.

intellectual zoom will not be abandoned.

if anything, my subconscious will make the volume of work, both here and at the a g + c increase now that my fear has been appeased

Sunday 8 November 2009

Rememberance Sunday

No matter what your opinion on the wars we fight,
we must positively acknowledge the men & women who've given up their lives
for a cause greater than themselves.
We must also remember the dead men & women of the so called enemies they fight,
and all the innocent lives lost in conflict.

No matter what your opinion on war,
we must positively celebrate their lives, and not their deaths.

Thursday 5 November 2009

to whom it may concern

I apologise for not writing anything for you to read.

I have no real excuse or reason to why I have seemingly abandoned you.

All I can say is I've been thinking of you and this place of ours.

I, like Anneliese Mackintosh*, have been inspired to dream a little more. Write from closer to the heart. To reach the aims I want...

"...and the other thing. Not because they are easy, but because they are hard."1

I will write more, do more, commit more to this endeavour of ours.

I will write, so you can read

OW Dawson


*: in reference to a David Ford event at Cabaret Voltaire in Edinburgh. Anneliese performed with him as well as acted as a support act at this venue. She is doing the things I want to do, but as yet, I have not fully imagined they are things I wanted to do.

1: quoted from John Fitzgerald Kennedy in a speech regarding the US's ambition to go to the moon before the 60's finished: ".....before the decade is out."

Sunday 19 July 2009

First in a new series:

This blog is a series of short stories from O W Dawson